Jesus commanded His followers to take the Gospel into the whole world, and we desire to be faithful to this call, whether it's here in Oregon, or around the globe!  Below are some of the missionaries we support through prayer, fellowship, and finances.

The B Family*

Southeast Asia and Alaska

The B family serves in Southeast Asia during the school year, training Asian pastors and missionaries, translating theological materials, and partnering with Burmese missionaries to reach out to unreached people groups in among the remote hilltribes of Thailand and Burma. During the summers, they work with a ministry to Alaska Natives in bush Alaska and use their ministry center to train missionaries preparing for international work.

*Names have been changed to protect privacy.

The Dionnes

London, UK

Michael has joined the pastoral team at GraceLife London, a decade-old church plant in the heart of London, England. The church hopes to become a center for training pastors and planting churches around London and eventually the country of England. Michael will be serving as a pastor sharing the preaching, counseling, and discipling load as well as helping with administrative oversight of the church. The Dionne family is living in Central London and plans to use their home as a center for ministry, discipleship, and community. 

The F Family*

Southeast Asia

The F family's passion is to see God glorified as Riau Melayu Muslims become Riau Melayu Christian Disciple-makers who gather together in health churches, led by local leadership. They are seeing this vision become a reality through two means: training obedient Indonesians to love Jesus and share His beauty with the Muslims around them and actively showing Christ’s love in word (Gospel) and deed (physical ministry) to the Riau Melayu people.

*Names have been changed to protect privacy.

The Layers


Ben and Sarah Layer are church planters serving in Poland. As church planters, they are involved in evangelism and discipleship as well as equipping new church leaders. They are currently involved in two separate church plants. They have three daughters, Mikaela, Maia and Aleyna. 

The McLeans

Wales, UK

Steve and Marcia McLean have been serving in North Wales since November, 2008. The main areas of ministry for the McLeans include outreach in the local village school, discipleship within the church itself, and forming relationships within the community in order to open doors for the gospel. The McLeans are focused on leading Gosen Church in reaching a younger - very unchurched - generation. They have four daughters, Margaret, Gwyneth, Amelia, and Beatrice.

First Image

Portland Metro Area

First Image is a non-profit organization purposed to live out the heart of God to renew His Image in the lives of those who have been impacted by sexual brokenness and abortion. This mission is carried out through two main programs: 

  • Pregnancy Resource Centers - Pregnancy is overwhelming at the best of times. Through three Pregnancy Resource Centers located in Beaverton, Southeast Portland, and Gresham, First Image seeks to save and transform lives by helping women find a way forward. 
  • HeartHeart offers biblically-based support and recovery groups for men and women who’ve experienced an abortion. These groups offer confidential healing communities where one can ask hard questions and work through complicated emotions to reestablish peace with God, with oneself, and with others.

Petitions for the Commission

Here are 5 ways to be praying for our missionaries:

  • Pray for spiritual strengthening and guidance from the Word. This is the primary means God uses to strengthen his servants (Matt 4:4). Pray that our missionaries would not neglect their time and meditation in the midst of the busyness and pressures of life. But also Pray that they would gain new insight—both in encouragement and conviction so that they would continue to bear more fruit in their endeavors.
  • Pray for physical health. Most of the families we support face physical challenges to their health. In the short term, health challenges can be a significant distraction. Overtime, they can be extremely discouraging. Pray for healing, endurance, and spiritual growth as they face these challenges.
  • Pray for evangelistic opportunities. Although missionaries are sent out with the express purpose of reaching the lost, opportunities to share the gospel are no less difficult to come by than they are for us. Pray that God would direct people to them and their churches so that they might have the opportunity to share the good news. Of course, pray for fruitfulness in these opportunities.
  • Pray for unity within their churches. Our missionaries deliberately seek to perform their ministries in the context of local churches. Disunity within the church or within their mission teams can be crippling and discouraging. On the other hand, likeness of mind and heart can strengthen them to overcome massive challenges and face significant fears.
  • Pray for the governments where they serve. Many countries of the world are still reeling from COVID-19. Visas are harder to renew and interactions with people is significantly limited. Pray that restrictions would lift and that governments would soften in their restrictions regarding proselytism. Pray that their governments would see the long-term benefits of foster religious freedom and the consequences of suppressing freedom.