The local church is a body of people who profess and give evidence that they have repented of their sinful condition and have been saved from God’s wrath against sin. Therefore, church membership is limited to those whose lives demonstrate a willingness to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, as revealed by an ever increasing lifestyle of fruitfulness. Such transformation is only produced by a faithful commitment to the diligent study of God’s Word.
When we join the church, we are uniting our lives to know and be known by each other. We are agreeing to uphold an affectionate care and watchfulness over each other. We are also agreeing to encourage each other when we need to be reminded of God’s work in our lives, or when we need to be challenged about inconsistencies in our Christian walk. In return, the body is strengthened by the ministry of each member’s unique gifts and fruitfulness, as each of us is edified towards an ever deepening relationship with Christ that continues to transform our lives and the lives of those around us.